Welcome to St Arnaud PS

St Arnaud Primary School provides a well-resourced learning environment where all students are valued.  Our School Values are Respect, Resilience, Kindness, Honesty and Aspiration.

Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program

Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden is into it's 5th year, providing each class an allocated cooking day, and a day in the garden. The hands on nature of the program is naturally engaging, with cooking a meal with friends highly anticipated by all. 

Leadership Ceremony

Our school recently introduced our elected school leaders to the broader community at our annual Leadership Ceremony in the Town Hall.

Structured Literacy @ STAPS

Staff at St Arnaud Primary School are highly trained in the planning and implementation of a structured literacy approach.  Ask us what this looks like in your child's classroom.

Event Calendar

February 2025
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16171819 202122
23 2425 262728 

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